Doing Better!


Mom says, “When you know better, You do better.”

I guess that’s true.

Hey there -

So, yesterday Samantha and I were sitting around talking with mom. Well, actually we were sitting around and mom was folding laundry. I probably should have helped. Next time I will, but honestly, folding laundry is probably my LEAST favorite thing in the whole world. Anyway, we were talking about how this kid in our class misspelled some word that was actually pretty easy. Someone sitting behind him laughed and the teacher saw it. She called him out to the hallway and when he came back in he was all red. He’s actually a pretty good kid so I’m sure he didn’t mean to be mean. Long story short when we were done talking mom said, “This brings us to one of my favorite quotes by Maya Angelou which is ‘When you know better, you do better.” “Ugh, seriously mom we don’t need a lecture.” I looked at Samantha and rolled my eyes. “I’m just saying that that boy now knows better and next time when he’s in that situation, he will do better.” Samantha and I grabbed our stuff and headed up to my room after that. Honestly, I was a little afraid it was going to turn into some big lecture but I have to tell you that when I was lying in bed that night and couldn’t sleep, I thought about it. It’s kind of true. Sometimes we say something or do something and then kind of think about it afterwards and are like, “Ooooh! I wish I hadn’t done that,” We remember how bad it felt so when we get the next chance to react, we’ll do better. We’ll do something different. I kind of like that. Second chances!

GG xo


You’ll get what you ask for!


Heart to Heart with Greta Grace - #1