Heart to Heart with Greta Grace - #1


Hmmm…. maybe we are amazing?!

Heart to Heart with Greta Grace…

So, if you read my story you know that I went through some pretty hard stuff. Actually,  you know what? It’s not different from what a lot of you have gone through or are going through, but at the time, it kind of felt like I was the only kid in the whole school going through it. Anyway, I won’t give it away, just in case you haven’t read my story yet. But., in the story my mom said, “Greta Grace, you are amazing, a bright light, a blessing to this world, etc…” To be honest, at the time I was like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah…. Blah, blah, blah.” To me it was the kind of things moms say to their kids just to try to make them feel better because they’re so afraid our confidence will plummet and we’ll pack our bags and run away or something like that. But.. I have to admit, I’m kind of getting what she was saying. I swear I’m not going to get all “preachy” or anything, but if you think about it we really all are amazing. I read something that there is not one single other person in the world who has the same fingerprints as us. Isn’t that crazy? There’s 7 billion people in the world, (maybe even more!) and not one single person has the same fingerprint. That alone is amazing. I don’t really think we would be here for no reason. I feel like we ARE here for a reason and that this world actually needs US! Honestly, that is amazing.

GG xox


Doing Better!