You’ll get what you ask for!

Hey there!

Ok! One of the most helpful thing you can ever learn in the whole world is this……

Every single thought and especially feeling that you have is a request to the Universe! I know that sounds heavy, right? But this is how mom and Mrs. McGee explained it so it’s easy to understand.

If you wake up in the morning and you think, “Ugh! I hate it when I have Science first period. I don’t like Mr. or Mrs. (fill in the name). And… I hope “Mary” (use whatever name you want) is absent because she’s just so annoying. She thinks she knows everything.”

Guess what…. you just asked the Universe to send you a day that aligns with the energy of what you just thought and felt! Yep. It can only send you what matches up with your vibration so….. you just asked the Universe to deliver you a bad day.

So… the easiest way for me to get around this if I’m not in the best mood is to focus on the things, anything at all, that bring up some good or happy feelings. Even though you have that class you have to go to that you don’t want to, don’t get stuck there. Focus on meeting up with your friends at lunch, the class that is actually fun, or what you get to do after school. Just remember… whatever you focus on is what you bring into your life! You actually do have control over the kind of day you are going to have.



What does Greta Grace think about God?


Doing Better!