Setting an intention for your day

One of the quickest ways that to have a happy day is to start your day off with this really simple task that can take less than 5 min per day!

When we wake up in the morning, we usually wake up and immediately start thinking. I’m guessing some of your thoughts are, “What time is it. I have to get going. What do I have to do today? Is there a test?  Do I have to bring lunch? What time is my free period? What do I have to do after school, etc

It can be exciting, overwhelming, chaotic and welcomed all at once.

HOWEVER, when we start our day like this, we are also giving up all control over our day. We meander through the day unconscious of how our thoughts and words are lining everything up for us. It’s far too easy to invite anxiety or scattered energy into your day when you’re living from this place.

So what’s the quick and easy way?

Before your feet hit the floor in the morning say, “Today is going to be a great day! Everything is going to happen easily and effortlessly!” Whatever statement you choose has to be one that you can easily believe. For me, this works every time because my mind agrees and at this point knows that having great days is 100% possible. If you find yourself saying, “I doubt it. It’s not very often that my days are easy or great,” then you need to stop yourself and be willing to be wrong about that. Try saying, “Just maybe, today is going to be a great day. I would love that !” Then… look for evidence of it being good. It could be as simple as someone smiling that usually doesn’t or a class gets out early, or a million other things. Acknowledge that because when you do, more and more good things pile on.

THEN.. that statement. “Today is going to be a great day,” becomes more and more believable AND great things will always show up during the course of your day. The key is to start your day with the intention. If you forget, say it whenever you remember! Even if you are sitting in class and it’s half way through the day, take a second and set it for the remainder of the day! Enjoy and relish in all the good things to come!!

-Joanna Quinn


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